I'm living in Spain and have just bought a new car, a Citreon C4 Coupe. Although my Spanish is more than passable and getting better by the day, the technical language used in the user manual is beyond me. I asked my Citroen dealer if they would be able to order a copy of the owner handbook in English and they replied "yes, but it will take 6 months". The Spanish version is downloadable from the national Citroen website but I have exhaustively searched the Citroen websites of every English-speaking nation I can come up with and there appears not to be any such resource for downloading the user manual.
Does anyone know of where I can get a user manual in English for the Citroen C4 Coupe Collection 1.6i 16v, either in hard copy or electronically? The car has loads of gadgets that I am desperate to use, if only I can work out how!